Driving in Spain.

Contrary to what you may see on the roads in Spain, driving here is NOT:
1. Just like the UK but on the other side,
2. A free-for-all with no rules, or rules to be ignored if you're local.

The Guardia Civil and police can and do enforce traffic regulations, and can really spoil your holiday.

Inspired by Brian Deller's excellent "Motoring in Spain", this site tells you what the traffic laws are in Spain. Unlike the UK Highway Code, they are not guidelines, they are fixed... and to be obeyed.

Most Spanish road traffic law is contained in the LSV (Ley de Seguridad Vial), on which is based the RGC (Reglamentación General de Circulación) which also has the force of law. Allied to this is the RGV (Reglamentación General de Vehículos) which covers construction and use of motor vehicles.

This site is still under construction and will be quite large (over 170 articles for the RGC alone). The best place to start is the RGC index and the glossary. The RGV, and LSV will be added later when translation has been checked.

Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Other driver’s obligations.

Article 18. Other driver’s obligations.
1. The driver must maintain his own freedom of movement, the necessary field of vision and permanent attention to driving that guarantee their own safety, that of the rest of the occupants of the vehicle and that of other road users. The driver must therefore take care to maintain the correct driving position, that passengers are properly seated, and that objects or transported animals are properly loaded so that none of them interfere with the driver (LST Art 11,2). The use by the driver with the vehicle in motion of devices such as screens with access to the internet, television monitors and video or DVD players is considered incompatible with obligatory permanent attention to driving. Excepted are the use of monitors in the driver’s field of vision and whose use is necessary for reversing, as well as GPS devices.
2. It is prohibited to drive and use helmets or earpieces connected to audio devices, except during a motorcycle driving test.
The use is prohibited whilst driving of mobile telephony devices and any other means or system of communication, except when the the communication takes place without using hands or accessories (LST Art 11,3).
Exempt from this prohibition are agents of the authorities in the exercise of their official duties (LST Art 11,3).
3. It is prohibited to fit, carry or use in vehicles, devices prepared or designed to elude monitoring by traffic officers, or that emit or make signals with this purpose, as well as the use of radar detection equipment.

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