Driving in Spain.

Contrary to what you may see on the roads in Spain, driving here is NOT:
1. Just like the UK but on the other side,
2. A free-for-all with no rules, or rules to be ignored if you're local.

The Guardia Civil and police can and do enforce traffic regulations, and can really spoil your holiday.

Inspired by Brian Deller's excellent "Motoring in Spain", this site tells you what the traffic laws are in Spain. Unlike the UK Highway Code, they are not guidelines, they are fixed... and to be obeyed.

Most Spanish road traffic law is contained in the LSV (Ley de Seguridad Vial), on which is based the RGC (Reglamentación General de Circulación) which also has the force of law. Allied to this is the RGV (Reglamentación General de Vehículos) which covers construction and use of motor vehicles.

This site is still under construction and will be quite large (over 170 articles for the RGC alone). The best place to start is the RGC index and the glossary. The RGV, and LSV will be added later when translation has been checked.

Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Load Dimensions.

Article 15. Load Dimensions.
1. The load will not exceed the dimensions of the vehicle, except in the cases and conditions specified in the following sections. For vehicles drafted by animal(s), this is understood to mean the load does not overhang past the head of the animal nearest to the load, nor beyond the width of the vehicle.
2. For vehicles destined exclusively to the transport of goods, being indivisible loads and when the conditions established for their stowage and preparation are met, they may overhang:
a) In the case of beams, posts, tubes or other loads of indivisible length:
i) In vehicles of over 5m length, 2m to the front and 3m to the rear.
ii) In vehicles of up to 5m length, the third of the length of the vehicle at each end.
b) Where the lesser dimension of the indivisible load exceeds the width of the vehicle, up to 0.40m over each side, provided the total width does not exceed 2.55m.
3. For other vehicles not destined exclusively to the transport of goods the load must not overhang from the rear by more than 10% of its length, and if indivisible, by 15%.
4. For vehicles of less than 1m width the load must not overhang widthwise more than 0.50m to each side. It must not overhang to the front [at all], nor more than 0.25m to the rear.
5. When the load exceeds the load area of the vehicle, always within the limits of the previous sections, all proper precautions to avoid damage or danger to other road users must be taken, and the load must be protected where it overhangs to reduce the effects of possible scrapes or impacts.
6. In all cases, overhanging loads covered in sections 2 and 3 must be signed by means of signal V-20 referred to in Article 173 that has characteristics laid down in Annex XI of the RGV. The signal must be placed at the rear end of the load so that it is always perpendicular to the axis of the vehicle. When the load overhangs at the rear over the whole width of the vehicle, two signal panels will be placed cross-sectionally, each one on the end of the load or at the width of the material that projects. Both panels must be placed in such a way that they form an "inverted V". 7. When the vehicle is driven between sunset and sunrise or in conditions of significantly reduced visibility, the load must be signalled, in addition, with a red light. When the load overhangs the front, the signaling [to the front] must be by means of a white light.
8. Loads overhanging the sides of the load area by more than 0.40m and driven between sunset and sunrise or in conditions of significantly reduced visibility will be signalled forwards by means of a white light and a white reflecting device, and rearwards by means of a red light and a red reflecting device.
9. For vehiclular traffic covered by the special transport regime, specifications will be in the authorization.

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