Driving in Spain.

Contrary to what you may see on the roads in Spain, driving here is NOT:
1. Just like the UK but on the other side,
2. A free-for-all with no rules, or rules to be ignored if you're local.

The Guardia Civil and police can and do enforce traffic regulations, and can really spoil your holiday.

Inspired by Brian Deller's excellent "Motoring in Spain", this site tells you what the traffic laws are in Spain. Unlike the UK Highway Code, they are not guidelines, they are fixed... and to be obeyed.

Most Spanish road traffic law is contained in the LSV (Ley de Seguridad Vial), on which is based the RGC (Reglamentación General de Circulación) which also has the force of law. Allied to this is the RGV (Reglamentación General de Vehículos) which covers construction and use of motor vehicles.

This site is still under construction and will be quite large (over 170 articles for the RGC alone). The best place to start is the RGC index and the glossary. The RGV, and LSV will be added later when translation has been checked.

Friday, 1 June 2007

Collective passenger transport.

Article 11. Collective passenger transport.
1. Drivers must stop and pull away without shocks or abrupt movements, and keep as close as possible to the right hand side of the road. Passengers will not distract the driver whilst the vehicle is moving. The driver or person in charge will safeguard the passengers.
2. In vehicles used for public transport, passengers are prohibited from:
a) Distracting the driver whilst the vehicle is in motion.
b) Entering or leaving the vehicle by places different from those specified.
c) Entering the vehicle when warned it is full.
d) Impeding unnecessarily access to or from the vehicle.
e) Bringing on board any animal, unless a place for its transport exists in the vehicle. Guide dogs for the disabled are excepted provided they are constantly supervised.
f) Carrying dangerous goods or objects in conditions different from that established in the specific regulations.
g) Disregarding instructions given by the driver or the person in charge of the vehicle.
The driver or person in charge of public transport vehicles can prohibit boarding and order passengers to leave who fail to fulfil the rules laid down in this section.

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